Toggle Navigation
import display import buttons import random import math import audio import mch22 class Direction: UP = 1 DOWN = 2 LEFT = 3 RIGHT = 4 size = 4 background_color = 0xfaf8ef foreground_color = 0x776e65 info_font = "roboto_regular12" title_font = "roboto_black22" small_font = "fairlight8" board_dim = 200 display_width = display.width() display_height = display.height() board_x = display_width / 2 - board_dim / 2 board_y = display_height / 2 - board_dim / 2 + 15 tile_fonts = ["exo2_bold22", "exo2_bold22", "exo2_bold22", "exo2_bold22", "exo2_bold22", "exo2_bold22", "exo2_bold22", "exo2_bold18", "exo2_bold18", "exo2_bold18", "exo2_bold12"] tile_spacing = 5 tile_dim = math.floor(((board_dim + tile_spacing / 2) - (size + 1) * tile_spacing) / size) tile_colors = [0xcdc1b4, 0xeee4da, 0xede0c8, 0xf2b179, 0xf59563, 0xf67c5f, 0xf65e3b, 0xedcf72, 0xedcc61, 0xedc850, 0xedc53f, 0xedc22e] tile_text_colors = [0xffffff, 0x776e65, 0x776e65, 0xf9f6f2] score_font = "roboto_regular18" score_width = 80 score_spacing = 5 score_x = display_width - score_width - score_spacing score_y = 10 score_padding = 2 score_height = display.getTextHeight("0", score_font) + score_padding score_text_y = score_y + math.floor(score_padding / 2) - score_padding score_title_x = score_x + math.floor(score_width / 2 - display.getTextWidth("SCORE", small_font) / 2) egg = False over = False score = 0 board = [0] * (size ** 2) # Powers of 2 to save on space def new_tile(): global board if not 0 in board: return while True: i = random.randint(0, size ** 2 - 1) if board[i] == 0: board[i] = random.randint(1, 2) break def reset_board(): global board, score, egg egg = False score = 0 board = [0] * (size ** 2) new_tile() new_tile() def draw_score(): global score score_text = str(score) score_text_x = score_x + math.floor(score_width / 2 - display.getTextWidth(score_text, score_font) / 2) display.drawRect(display_width - score_spacing - score_width, score_y, score_width, score_height, True, 0xbbada0) display.drawText(score_text_x, score_text_y, score_text, 0xFFFFFF, score_font) def draw_tile(i): global board bx = i % size by = math.floor(i / size) x = board_x + tile_dim * bx + tile_spacing * (bx + 1) y = board_y + tile_dim * by + tile_spacing * (by + 1) val = board[i] background_color = tile_colors[val] if val < len(tile_colors) else tile_colors[len(tile_colors) - 1] display.drawRect(x, y, tile_dim, tile_dim, True, background_color) if val > 0: text = str(2 ** val) text_color = tile_text_colors[val] if val < len(tile_text_colors) else tile_text_colors[len(tile_text_colors) - 1] font = tile_fonts[val] if val < len(tile_fonts) else tile_fonts[len(tile_fonts) - 1] text_x = math.floor(x + tile_dim / 2 - display.getTextWidth(text, font) / 2) text_y = math.floor(y + tile_dim / 2 - display.getTextHeight(text, font) / 2) display.drawText(text_x, text_y, text, text_color, font) def draw_board(): global board display.drawRect(board_x, board_y, board_dim, board_dim, True, 0xbbada0) for i in range(len(board)): draw_tile(i) def screen_base(): display.drawFill(background_color) display.drawText(10, 5, "2048", foreground_color, title_font) display.drawText(score_title_x, 0, "SCORE", foreground_color, small_font) draw_score() def reset_screen(): screen_base() display.clearMatrix() display.translate(display_width / 2, display_height / 2) display.rotate(math.pi/2) display.translate(-display_height / 2, -display_width / 2) display.drawText(60, 10, "(c) 2137 HY.PN", foreground_color, info_font) display.drawText(60, 26, "contact on website above", foreground_color, info_font) display.clearMatrix() display.translate(display_width / 2, display_height / 2) display.rotate(-math.pi/2) display.translate(-display_height / 2, -display_width / 2) display.drawText(10, 10, "press start to reset", foreground_color, info_font) display.drawText(10, 26, "find the easter egg :^)", foreground_color, info_font) display.clearMatrix() draw_board() display.flush() def defeat(): global over'/apps/python/mch2048/hitHurt.wav', volume=150) screen_base() over = True text = "GAME OVER" text_x = math.floor(display_width / 2 - display.getTextWidth(text, title_font) / 2) text_y = math.floor(display_height / 2 - display.getTextHeight(text, title_font) / 2) display.drawText(text_x, text_y, text, foreground_color, title_font) text = "press start to restart" text_x = math.floor(display_width / 2 - display.getTextWidth(text, title_font) / 2) text_y = math.floor(display_height / 2 - display.getTextHeight(text, title_font) / 2) + 20 display.drawText(text_x, text_y, text, foreground_color, title_font) display.flush() def easter_egg(): global egg egg = True screen_base() text = "// TODO: add an easter egg" text_x = math.floor(display_width / 2 - display.getTextWidth(text, title_font) / 2) text_y = math.floor(display_height / 2 - display.getTextHeight(text, title_font) / 2) display.drawText(text_x, text_y, text, foreground_color, title_font) display.flush() def can_move(): global board if 0 in board: return True for i in range(len(board)): if (i + size < len(board) and board[i] == board[i + size]) or (i - size > 0 and board[i] == board[i - size]) or (i % size != 0 and board[i] == board[i - 1]) or (i % size != size - 1 and board[i] == board[i + 1]): return True return False def rotate(direction, undo = False): global board if direction == Direction.DOWN: return copy = board[:] for i in range(len(board)): x = i % size y = math.floor(i / size) j = y * size + x if (not undo and direction == Direction.LEFT) or (undo and direction == Direction.RIGHT): j = (size - 1 - x) * size + y elif (not undo and direction == Direction.RIGHT) or (undo and direction == Direction.LEFT): j = (x + 1) * size - 1 - y elif direction == Direction.UP: j = (size - y) * size - 1 - x copy[j] = board[i] board = copy def make_move(direction): global board, score if not can_move(): defeat() return rotate(direction) make_new_tile = False last_merged = None for col in range(0, size): for row in range(size - 2, -1, -1): i = row * size + col if board[i] == 0: continue below = i + size merged = False fi = None while below < len(board) and (board[below] == 0 or (not merged and board[i] == board[below])): if below == last_merged: break make_new_tile = True if board[below] != 0: merged = True score += board[i] ** 2 * 2 board[below] += 1 else: board[below] = board[i] board[i] = 0 i = below fi = below below = i + size if fi != None and merged: last_merged = fi rotate(direction, True) if make_new_tile:'/apps/python/mch2048/laserShoot.wav', volume=150) new_tile() def reset():'/apps/python/mch2048/blipSelect.wav', volume=150) reset_board() reset_screen() def update(): global over, egg if over: return if egg: reset_screen() draw_score() draw_board() display.flush() btn_buffer = "" def code_check(): global btn_buffer if len(btn_buffer) > 10: btn_buffer = btn_buffer[1:] if btn_buffer == "UUDDLRLRBA": easter_egg() def on_up_btn(pressed): global btn_buffer if pressed: btn_buffer += "U" code_check() make_move(Direction.UP) update() def on_down_btn(pressed): global btn_buffer if pressed: btn_buffer += "D" code_check() make_move(Direction.DOWN) update() def on_left_btn(pressed): global btn_buffer if pressed: btn_buffer += "L" code_check() make_move(Direction.LEFT) update() def on_right_btn(pressed): global btn_buffer if pressed: btn_buffer += "R" code_check() make_move(Direction.RIGHT) update() def on_a_btn(pressed): global btn_buffer if pressed: btn_buffer += "A" code_check() def on_b_btn(pressed): global btn_buffer if pressed: btn_buffer += "B" code_check() def on_start_btn(pressed): global btn_buffer if pressed: reset() update() def on_home_btn(pressed): if pressed: mch22.exit_python() buttons.attach(buttons.BTN_UP, on_up_btn) buttons.attach(buttons.BTN_DOWN, on_down_btn) buttons.attach(buttons.BTN_LEFT, on_left_btn) buttons.attach(buttons.BTN_RIGHT, on_right_btn) buttons.attach(buttons.BTN_START, on_start_btn) buttons.attach(buttons.BTN_A, on_a_btn) buttons.attach(buttons.BTN_B, on_b_btn) buttons.attach(buttons.BTN_HOME, on_home_btn) # Let's begin reset_board() reset_screen()