Toggle Navigation
from woezel import urequests import display import wifi import easydraw import time import json import sys import io import custom_shapes def _cache_image(file): with open(file, "rb") as image: return APP_NAME = __file__.split("/")[-2] APP_PATH = "/".join(__file__.split("/")[:-1]) if APP_NAME.lower() == "citycontrol": BACKEND_URL = "" elif APP_NAME.lower() == "citycontroltest": BACKEND_URL = "" else: BACKEND_URL = "http://DEV_CHANGEME:4433" TEXT_HIGHLIGHT = 0x9CFF08 TEXT_MAIN = 0xD9CFEB TEXT_GRAY = 0xAAAAAA HIGHLIGHT = TEXT_HIGHLIGHT COLOR_SECONDARY = 0x524075 COLOR_BORDER = 0x241740 ARCADE_FONT = { 6: "press_start_2p6", 8: "press_start_2p8", 9: "press_start_2p9", 12: "press_start_2p12", 18: "press_start_2p18", 22: "press_start_2p22", } BACKGROUND = _cache_image("%s/background.png" % APP_PATH) ICON_LARGE = _cache_image("%s/logo.png" % APP_PATH) ICON_SMALL = "%s/icon.png" % APP_PATH DOWNTOWN = "%s/District_1.png" % APP_PATH SCIENCE_PARK = "%s/District_2.png" % APP_PATH SCIENCE_PARK_OFF = "%s/District_2_off.png" % APP_PATH COMMERCIAL_AVENUE = "%s/District_3.png" % APP_PATH COMMERCIAL_AVENUE_OFF = "%s/District_3_off.png" % APP_PATH HACKY_HARBOUR = "%s/District_4.png" % APP_PATH HACKY_HARBOUR_OFF = "%s/District_4_off.png" % APP_PATH DISPLAY_SIZE = display.size() LOGO_OFFSET = (DISPLAY_SIZE[0] - display.pngInfo(ICON_LARGE)[0]) // 2 BG_DARK = 0x0F0A1F BG_LIGHT = 0xD7CDE9 PROGRESS_RED = 0xFF1D25 PROGRESS_GREEN = HIGHLIGHT SLIDER_PURPLE = 0x5E29BF # Control screen sprites JOYSTICK_DARK_OFF = _cache_image("%s/Joystick_Dark_Off.png" % APP_PATH) JOYSTICK_DARK_ON = _cache_image("%s/Joystick_Dark_On.png" % APP_PATH) JOYSTICK_LIGHT_OFF = _cache_image("%s/Joystick_Light_Off.png" % APP_PATH) JOYSTICK_LIGHT_ON = _cache_image("%s/Joystick_Light_On.png" % APP_PATH) PROGRESS_ARROW_RED = _cache_image("%s/ProgressBar_Arrow_Red.png" % APP_PATH) SLIDER_HANDLE_DARK = _cache_image("%s/SliderHandle_Dark.png" % APP_PATH) SLIDER_HANDLE_LIGHT = _cache_image("%s/SliderHandle_Light.png" % APP_PATH) LEVEL_TRANSITION_ENCOURAGEMENTS = [ "Good job!", "Well done!", "Our saviors!", "Our heroes!", "Awesome!", "Good stuff!", ] LEVEL_TRANSITION_NARRATIVES = [ ["You bought us some", "time, but the city", "is still in trouble!"], ["The AI is upping", "their game, can you", "please help us?"], ["The algorithm seems", "to evolve, we need", "some more help!"], ] LEVEL_TRANSITION_PREPARE = [ "Here we go!", "Prepare yourselves!", "Are you ready?", "Get on it!", ] GAME_OVER_PRIMARY = [ "It's time to find more capable controllers.", "Our controllers were not up to the task.", "Was this the best you could do?", "Honestly, that was rather embarrassing.", "Unfortunately, your best was not good enough.", ] GAME_OVER_SECONDARY = [ "The smart algorithm managed to remain in control of the city.", "The smart algorithm is still torturing the city.", "The smart algorithm was smarter than our controllers.", "Our city is still under control of the smart algorithm.", ] ROTARY_CONTROL = ( lambda n, l: f"{APP_PATH}/RotaryControl_{'Dark' if l else 'Light'}_{n}.png" ) def draw_background(wifi_indicator=True, logo=True): display.drawFill(0) display.drawPng(0, 0, BACKGROUND) if logo: display.drawPng(LOGO_OFFSET, 10, ICON_LARGE) pass if wifi_indicator: custom_shapes.draw_wifi_indicator( DISPLAY_SIZE[0] - 40, 5, COLOR_SECONDARY, COLOR_BORDER ) def check_version(): if not wifi.status(): # We can't check version status without internet. print("Version check failed, no WiFi") return False draw_background() easydraw.lineCentered(170, "Checking game", ARCADE_FONT[12], TEXT_MAIN) easydraw.lineCentered(190, "version...", ARCADE_FONT[12], TEXT_MAIN) display.flush() # Get newest version from badge team API. try: url = f"{APP_NAME}/json" print(f"Checking {url} for updated version") new_version_text = urequests.get(url).text except Exception as e: # We have lost wifi while making the request. # I assume there will be some other code to reconnect / handle this somewhere else. print("Version check failed:\n%s" % str(e)) draw_background() easydraw.lineCentered(160, "Failed to check version", ARCADE_FONT[9], TEXT_MAIN) easydraw.lineCentered(180, "Check serial logs", ARCADE_FONT[9], TEXT_MAIN) easydraw.lineCentered(200, "for details.", ARCADE_FONT[9], TEXT_MAIN) display.flush() return False new_version_parsed = json.loads(new_version_text) new_version = int(new_version_parsed["info"]["version"]) # Get current version from json file. with open("%s/metadata.json" % APP_PATH, "r") as metadata_file: json_string = "".join(line.strip() for line in metadata_file) current_version = int(json.loads(json_string)["version"]) if current_version != new_version: print( f"Running version '%s' of {APP_NAME} while version '%s' is available" % (current_version, new_version) ) draw_background() easydraw.lineCentered(160, "Please update to", ARCADE_FONT[12], TEXT_MAIN) easydraw.lineCentered(180, "the latest version", ARCADE_FONT[12], TEXT_MAIN) easydraw.lineCentered(200, "to play", ARCADE_FONT[12], TEXT_MAIN) display.flush() return False else: print("Running latest version '%s'" % current_version) return True def connect_wifi(): if wifi.status(): return True draw_background() easydraw.lineCentered(180, "Connecting to WiFi", ARCADE_FONT[12], TEXT_MAIN) display.flush() wifi.connect() wifi.wait() if not wifi.status(): draw_background() easydraw.lineCentered(180, "Connecting to WiFi", ARCADE_FONT[12], TEXT_MAIN) easydraw.lineCentered(200, "failed", ARCADE_FONT[12], TEXT_MAIN) display.flush() time.sleep(3) return wifi.status() def code_string_to_code(code_string): code = [] for c in code_string: if c == "u": code.append("UP") elif c == "l": code.append("LEFT") elif c == "d": code.append("DOWN") elif c == "r": code.append("RIGHT") elif c == "a": code.append("A") elif c == "b": code.append("B") return code def code_to_code_string(code): code_list = [] for c in code: if c == "UP": code_list.append("u") elif c == "LEFT": code_list.append("l") elif c == "DOWN": code_list.append("d") elif c == "RIGHT": code_list.append("r") elif c == "A": code_list.append("a") elif c == "B": code_list.append("b") return "".join(code_list) def draw_lines(text, y_start, vertical_padding, width, font, color=TEXT_MAIN): lines = easydraw.lineSplit(text, width=width, font=font) text_height = display.getTextHeight(text, font) y = y_start for line in lines: easydraw.lineCentered(y, line, font, color) y += text_height + vertical_padding return y def get_exception_string(exception): file = io.StringIO() sys.print_exception(exception, file) return file.getvalue()