Toggle Navigation
import display import buttons import random import math import audio import mch22 import nvs import sys import time import network import socket import uasyncio as asyncio #APP_PATH = "/".join(__file__.split("/")[:-1]) #sys.path.append(APP_PATH) #print(APP_PATH) import tamagotchi background_color = 0xcc9fde foreground_color = 0x776e65 info_font = "roboto_regular12" title_font = "roboto_black22" small_font = "fairlight8" board_dim = 200 size = 4 display_width = display.width() display_height = display.height() print("detected display: " + str(display_width) + "x" + str(display_height)) # Helper to detect uasyncio v3 IS_UASYNCIO_V3 = hasattr(asyncio, "__version__") and asyncio.__version__ >= (3,) SERVER_SSID = 'tamagotchi' # max 32 characters SERVER_IP = '' SERVER_SUBNET = '' nickname = nvs.nvs_getstr("owner","nickname") #APP_PATH = "/".join(__file__.split("/")[:-1]) APP_PATH = "/apps/python/tamagotchi" sys.path.append(APP_PATH) print ("starting tamagotchi") #print (APP_PATH) # def reboot(pressed): # if pressed: # mch22.exit_python() # buttons.attach(buttons.BTN_HOME, reboot) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ LOOK_R = '( O_o)' LOOK_L = '(o_O )' LOOK_R_HAPPY = '( O>__<O )' LOOK_L_HAPPY = '( ó_O )' SLEEP = '(-__-)' SLEEP2 = '(=__=)' BORED = '(-__-)' INTENSE = '(@__@)' ANGRY = "(>_<')" FRIEND = '(*^_^*)' DEBUG = '(#__#)' UPLOAD = '(1__0)' UPLOAD1 = '(1__1)' UPLOAD2 = '(0__1)' HAPPY = '(^_^)' LONELY = '(;_;)' SAD = '(T_T )' BROKEN = '(X__X)' BORED = '(-__-)' INTENSE = '(°===°)' COOL = '(-O_O )' HUNGRY = '(#___#)' AWAKE = '(◕‿‿◕)' GRATEFUL = '(^‿‿^)' EXCITED = '(ᵔ◡◡ᵔ)' MOTIVATED = '(☼‿‿☼)' DEMOTIVATED = '(≖__≖)' SMART = '(✜‿‿✜)' class Tamagotchi: def __init__(self, name): print("Instanciamos el tamagotchi " + name) = name self.hunger = 0 # disminuye con la comida, aumenta con el tiempo self.happiness = 0 # disminuye si no tienen interaccion con usuario o con otros tamagotchis = 3 # disminyue cuando el hambre esta alto y aleatoriamente y con cierta comida = 5 # disminuye con la actividad. aumenta con el sueño y cierta comida self.age = 0 # aumenta con el tiempo self.carita = LOOK_R self.frase = "" self.meal_grouth_delay = 10 self.frase_change_delay = 10 self.meals = [3,3,3] #sana verduritas, intermedia, carne y mala hamburguesa self.UIstatus = "menu_principal" self.status = 'happy' self.evolucion = 1 # status: happy, sad, hungry, ungry, broken, dead # evolucion: huevo, bebe, niño, joven, adulto, viejo (0-5) self.x= 80 self.y= 240-60-12-10 self.last_time = 0 self.last_meal_grouth = time.time() self.last_change_frase = 0 self.sad_phrases = [ "Estoy muy triste...", "¿Por que no juegas conmigo?", "Necesito un poco de diversion.", "Hoy no es un buen dia...", "Me siento solo.", "Nada parece alegrarme...", "¿Es que a nadie le importo?", "Estoy aburrido...", "Nada tiene sentido ahora...", "Estoy muy deprimido.", "Mi corazon esta hecho trizas.", "¿Por que me siento tan solo?", "Todo es tan gris...", "No tengo animos para nada.", "La tristeza me consume...", "¿Alguien me quiere?", "No hay alegria en mi vida.", "Nada me hace sonreir...", "Me siento olvidado...", "Estoy en un hoyo emocional." ] self.broken_phrases = [ "No me siento bien...", "¡Estoy enfermo!", "Creo que necesito un medico.", "Siento que algo no esta bien...", "Estoy muy debil.", "Me duele todo...", "No puedo moverme bien.", "Cada movimiento me duele.", "¿Por que me siento asi?", "Mi salud esta decayendo.", "Estoy roto por dentro y por fuera.", "No tengo fuerzas para nada.", "Estoy muy enfermo...", "Mi energia se esta agotando.", "¿Es este el fin?", "Mi cuerpo no responde...", "Estoy demasiado debil para continuar.", "Necesito ayuda, urgentemente.", "Me siento peor cada dia...", "Mi salud es un desastre." ] self.happy_phrases = [ "¡Me siento genial!", "Todo esta bien.", "Estoy contento.", "Hoy es un gran dia.", "Estoy lleno de energia.", "Nada puede detenerme.", "Me siento increible.", "Todo es perfecto.", "Soy feliz.", "Nada me preocupa.", "¡Estoy en la cima del mundo!", "La vida es maravillosa.", "No puedo dejar de sonreir.", "Estoy muy alegre.", "Todo es tan hermoso.", "Me siento afortunado.", "Estoy muy emocionado por todo.", "La felicidad me invade.", "Hoy es mi dia.", "Estoy lleno de alegria." ] self.hungry_phrases = [ "¡Tengo mucha hambre!", "¡Dame de comer!", "¡Me estoy muriendo de hambre!", "¡No puedo aguantar mas el hambre!", "Necesito comida, ¡ya!", "¡Por favor, alimenta a este pobre ser!", "¿No ves que estoy hambriento?", "No puedo pensar con el estomago vacio...", "Me siento debil... ¿Hay comida?", "¡Un bocado, por favor!", "La comida es mi vida... y mi vida se esta acabando.", "¡Alimentame!", "¡Estoy desfalleciendo!", "Necesito comida, ¡y la necesito ahora!", "¿Es mucho pedir un poco de comida?", "¿Acaso he hecho algo para no merecer comida?", "¡Ayudame, tengo hambre!", "No recuerdo la ultima vez que comi...", "¡Mis tripas estan rugiendo!", "¿Donde esta mi comida?" ] def feed(self, tipo_comida): if self.meals[tipo_comida] >0: self.meals[tipo_comida] -= 1 if tipo_comida == 0: #comida sana self.hunger -= 0.5 += 0.2 elif tipo_comida == 1: self.hunger -= 0.7 #comida media elif tipo_comida == 2: #comida sana self.hunger -= 1 -= 0.4 if self.hunger < 0: self.hunger = 0 print(f'{} ha sido alimentado.') else: print("no hay comida suficiente") self.frase = "no hay comida suficiente...." def play(self,juego, choice): preguntas = [ {"pregunta": "El sol es una estrella.", "respuesta": True}, {"pregunta": "El agua hierve a 50 grados Celsius.", "respuesta": False}, {"pregunta": "Los humanos tienen 206 huesos en el cuerpo.", "respuesta": True}, {"pregunta": "Las ballenas son peces.", "respuesta": False}, {"pregunta": "La Tierra es mas pequena que Marte.", "respuesta": False}, {"pregunta": "El plomo es un metal.", "respuesta": True}, {"pregunta": "El ADN se encuentra en el núcleo de las células.", "respuesta": True}, {"pregunta": "La capital de Australia es Sydney.", "respuesta": False}, {"pregunta": "El hielo es mas denso que el agua liquida.", "respuesta": False}, {"pregunta": "La luz viaja mas rapido que el sonido.", "respuesta": True} ] if juego == "true/lie": #selecciona una pregunta y marca la respuesta correcta pregunta = random.choice(preguntas) self.frase = pregunta['pregunta'] if (choice == 1 and pregunta['respuesta'] == True): self.frase = "muy bien, las repuesta era correcta!!!!" elif (choice == 2 and pregunta['respuesta'] == False): self.frase = "muy bien, las frase era falsa!!!!" elif (choice == 1 and pregunta['respuesta'] == False): self.frase = "Oups, las frase era falsa!!!!" elif (choice == 2 and pregunta['respuesta'] == True): self.frase = "Oups, las frase era correcta!!!!" self.happiness -= 0.2 def heal(self): += 1 if > 5: = 5 #print(f'{} ha recibido medicina.') def clean(self): print(f'{} ha sido limpiado.') def update(self): #segun el estado evoluciono sus constantes # status: happy, sad, hungry, ungry, broken, dead if self.status != 'dead': self.age += 1 if self.status == 'happy': self.hunger += 0.1 self.happiness += 0.1 -= 0.1 elif self.status == 'sad': self.hunger += 0.2 self.happiness += 0.3 -= 0.2 elif self.status == 'hungry': self.hunger += 0.1 self.happiness += 0.6 -= 0.8 elif self.status == 'ungry': self.hunger += 0.1 self.happiness += 0.6 -= 0.1 elif self.status == 'broken': self.hunger += 0.1 self.happiness += 0.001 -= 0.01 #limites if self.hunger > 5: self.hunger = 5 if self.happiness > 5: self.happiness = 5 if <0: = 0 # actualizo carita, status self.actualiza_estado() # actualizo frase if time.time() - self.last_change_frase > self.frase_change_delay: if self.status == 'hungry': self.frase = random.choice(self.hungry_phrases) elif self.status == 'sad': self.frase = random.choice(self.sad_phrases) elif self.status == 'broken': self.frase = random.choice(self.broken_phrases) elif self.status == 'happy': self.frase = random.choice(self.happy_phrases) self.last_change_frase = time.time() # la comida va creciendo if time.time() - self.last_meal_grouth > self.meal_grouth_delay: self.last_meal_grouth = time.time() self.meals[0] = min (self.meals[0], 3) self.meals[1] = min (self.meals[1], 3) self.meals[2] = min (self.meals[2], 3) # evoluciono al tmagotchi self.evoluciona() def evoluciona(self): # status: happy, sad, hungry, ungry, broken, dead # evolucion: huevo, bebe, niño, adulto, viejo (0-4) last_evolucion = self.evolucion if self.age >= 50: #viejo self.evolucion = 4 elif self.age >= 25: #adulto self.evolucion = 3 elif self.age >= 15: #niño self.evolucion = 2 elif self.age >= 3: #bebe self.evolucion = 1 if last_evolucion != self.evolucion: self.status = 'happy' self.frase = "acaba de nacer " + + "\n Bienvenido al mundo!" else: #huevo self.evolucion = 0 def actualiza_estado(self): # status: happy, sad, hungry, ungry, broken, dead # evolucion: huevo, bebe, niño, adulto, viejo (0-4) last_status = self.status if != 'dead': if <= 0: self.muerte() elif self.hunger > 4: self.status = 'hungry' self.carita = random.choice([HUNGRY]) elif self.happiness <= 2: self.status = 'ungry' self.carita = random.choice([SAD, BORED, LONELY,ANGRY]) elif <= 2: self.status = 'broken' self.carita = random.choice([INTENSE]) else: self.status = 'happy' self.carita = random.choice([LOOK_R,LOOK_L,LOOK_R_HAPPY, LOOK_L_HAPPY, FRIEND, COOL]) #cuando es muy mayor, aleatoriamente, puede morir. if self.age >= 90: if random.choice([1-100]) > 80: self.muerte() if last_status != self.status: self.last_change_frase = 0 self.actualiza_estado() def muerte(self): self.status = 'dead' #170x320 self.x = random.randint(160, 260) self.y += random.randint(-4, 4) self.frase = "RIP. " + + "\n Descanse en paz." #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class MyApp: async def start(self): #variables self.debug = True self.mascotas=[] # Get the event loop loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() # Add global exception handler if IS_UASYNCIO_V3: loop.set_exception_handler(_handle_exception) #setup de botones #self.buttons = tft_buttons.Buttons() #setup de TFT #tft.init() index = 3 display.drawFill(background_color) display.drawText(10, index, "LCD started...", foreground_color, info_font) index += ( 12 + 3) #display.drawText(10, 3+12+3, "tamagotchi", foreground_color, info_font) display.flush() # self.miCmd1 = menu.cmd(tft) # self.miCmd1.cmdClr() # self.miCmd1.cmdPrint("LCD started...") # time.sleep(1) # Crear una instancia de Tamagotchi display.drawText(10, index, "Creamos Instancia de tamagotchi...", foreground_color, info_font) index += ( 12 + 3) display.flush() time.sleep(1) #self.miCmd1.cmdPrint("Creamos Instancia de tamagotchi...") self.mi_mascota = tamagotchi.Tamagotchi(random.choice(["Santiago", "Mateo", "Sebastian", "Valentina", "Sofia", "Camila", "Isabella", "Mariana", "Gabriel", "Lucas", "Martin", "Victoria", "Daniel", "Lucia", "Tomas", "Alejandro", "Emilia", "Samuel", "Juan", "Miguel", "Paula", "Jose", "Antonia", "Renata", "Luna", "Andres", "Manuel", "David", "Carlos", "Angel", "Carolina", "Gonzalo", "Carmen", "Luis", "Elena", "Sara", "Julia", "Pablo", "Felipe", "Jorge", "Elisa", "Ricardo", "Fernando", "Catalina", "Simon", "Victoria", "Alvaro", "Nicolas", "Santiago", "Laura", "Monica", "Fabian", "Guillermo", "Sergio", "Francisco", "Marcela", "Rafael", "Natalia", "Angela", "Raul", "Claudia", "Hugo", "Esteban", "Lorena", "Beatriz", "Ivan", "Olga", "Ramon", "Patricia", "Isabel", "Victor", "Teresa", "German", "Silvia", "Oscar", "Marta", "Marcos", "Liliana", "Adriana", "Diana", "Jacobo", "Alberto", "Olivia", "Eduardo", "Alicia", "Enrique", "Clara", "Benjamin", "Irene", "Hector", "Veronica", "Mario", "Daniela", "Javier", "Rosa", "Santos", "Sonia", "Cristina", "Rodrigo", "Lucia"])) # Iniciar punto de acceso y servidor web display.drawText(10, index, "creando AP y servidor web...", foreground_color, info_font) index += ( 12 + 3) display.flush() time.sleep(1) #self.miCmd1.cmdPrint("creando AP y servidor web...") # Start the wifi AP self.init_access_point(SERVER_SSID) # Create the server and add task to event loop async def handle_http_connection_closure(reader, writer): await self.handle_http_connection(reader, writer, self.mi_mascota) server = asyncio.start_server(handle_http_connection_closure, "", 80) loop.create_task(server) #start_web_server(mi_mascota) #_thread.start_new_thread(start_web_server, (mi_mascota,)) # Start the DNS server task loop.create_task(self.run_dns_server()) time.sleep(1) # finish # self.miCmd1.cmdClr() # display.drawFill(background_color) display.flush() #------------ creamos el menu y los CMDs ------------------- #menuItemsList,fg, bg,length, startX, startY, cabecera, tituloCabecera # self.mi_menu = menu.Menu(tft, ["clean","feed","play","heal"], s3lcd.WHITE, s3lcd.BLACK, 20, 0, 0, True, "MENU") # # self.rotary = rotary_irq_esp.RotaryIRQ(pin_num_clk=2, # pin_num_dt=1, # min_val=0, # max_val=len(self.mi_menu.menuItemsList), # reverse=False, # range_mode=rotary_irq_esp.RotaryIRQ.RANGE_WRAP) # self.lastButtonValue = 1 # if (self.debug == True): # self.miCmd = menu.cmd(tft, s3lcd.WHITE, s3lcd.BLACK, 40, 0, 20, 20, True, "STATS") #frase de dialogo del tamagotchi #def __init__(self, tft, fg=s3lcd.WHITE, bg=s3lcd.BLACK, startX=0, startY=0, maxX=40, maxY=40, cabecera=False, tituloCabecera="",font=fontSmall): # self.fraseCmd = menu.cmd(tft, s3lcd.WHITE, s3lcd.BLACK, 0, 19, 80, 1, False, "") # Start looping forever print('Looping forever...') loop.create_task(self.mainLoop()) loop.run_forever() async def mainLoop(self): last_tama_time = time.time() # last_rotary_val = self.rotary.value() while True: try: #avanza el tiempo y actualiza tama cada 2 segundos actual_tama_time = time.time() if(actual_tama_time - last_tama_time >= 2): last_tama_time=actual_tama_time self.mi_mascota.update() self.actualizaPantalla() # gc.collect() #si esta muerto, lo meto en el array de muertos y creo otro if (self.mi_mascota.status == 'dead'): self.creaTamagotchi() #si detecto movimiento del rotary, actualizo pantalla # new_rotary_val = self.rotary.value() # if (new_rotary_val != last_rotary_val): # self.mi_menu.menuPrint(new_rotary_val) # # last_rotary_val = new_rotary_val #----------------check innput # if self.buttons.left.value() == 0: # if self.lastButtonValue == 1: # print("executing: " + self.mi_menu.menuItemsList[new_rotary_val-1]) # #------ # if self.mi_menu.getItem(new_rotary_val)[:6] == "carrot": # self.mi_mascota.feed(0) # self.mi_menu.updateMenu(["clean","feed","play","heal"]) # elif self.mi_menu.getItem(new_rotary_val)[:5] == "carne": # self.mi_mascota.feed(1) # self.mi_menu.updateMenu(["clean","feed","play","heal"]) # elif self.mi_menu.getItem(new_rotary_val)[:7] == "burguer": # self.mi_mascota.feed(2) # self.mi_menu.updateMenu(["clean","feed","play","heal"]) # elif self.mi_menu.getItem(new_rotary_val) == "feed": # self.mi_menu.updateMenu(["carrot:" + str(self.mi_mascota.meals[0]), # "carne:" + str(self.mi_mascota.meals[1]), # "burguer:" + str(self.mi_mascota.meals[2]) ]) # # # elif self.mi_menu.getItem(new_rotary_val) == "play": # self.mi_mascota.frase = "Wow genial! a que quieres jugar???" # self.mi_menu.updateMenu(["cucu","piedra","true/lie"]) # elif self.mi_menu.getItem(new_rotary_val) == "true": #"true/lie",1) # self.mi_menu.updateMenu(["feed","heal","play"]) # elif self.mi_menu.getItem(new_rotary_val) == "lie": #"true/lie",2) # self.mi_menu.updateMenu(["feed","heal","play"]) # elif self.mi_menu.getItem(new_rotary_val) == "true/lie": #"true/lie",0) # self.mi_menu.updateMenu(["true","lie","cancel"]) # elif self.mi_menu.getItem(new_rotary_val) == "cancel": # self.mi_menu.updateMenu(["true","lie","cancel"]) # self.mi_menu.updateMenu(["feed","heal","play"]) # # elif self.mi_menu.getItem(new_rotary_val) == "heal": # self.mi_mascota.heal() # elif self.mi_menu.getItem(new_rotary_val) == "clean": # self.mi_mascota.clean() # #---- # self.lastButtonValue = 0 # self.actualizaPantalla() # else: # self.lastButtonValue = 1 # Ceder el control al scheduler de asyncio await asyncio.sleep(0) except Exception as e: print("Main Loop error :", e) await asyncio.sleep_ms(3000) def creaTamagotchi(self): self.mascotas.append(self.mi_mascota) self.mi_mascota = tamagotchi.Tamagotchi(random.choice(["Santiago", "Mateo", "Sebastian", "Valentina", "Sofia", "Camila", "Isabella", "Mariana", "Gabriel", "Lucas", "Martin", "Victoria", "Daniel", "Lucia", "Tomas", "Alejandro", "Emilia", "Samuel", "Juan", "Miguel", "Paula", "Jose", "Antonia", "Renata", "Luna", "Andres", "Manuel", "David", "Carlos", "Angel", "Carolina", "Gonzalo", "Carmen", "Luis", "Elena", "Sara", "Julia", "Pablo", "Felipe", "Jorge", "Elisa", "Ricardo", "Fernando", "Catalina", "Simon", "Victoria", "Alvaro", "Nicolas", "Santiago", "Laura", "Monica", "Fabian", "Guillermo", "Sergio", "Francisco", "Marcela", "Rafael", "Natalia", "Angela", "Raul", "Claudia", "Hugo", "Esteban", "Lorena", "Beatriz", "Ivan", "Olga", "Ramon", "Patricia", "Isabel", "Victor", "Teresa", "German", "Silvia", "Oscar", "Marta", "Marcos", "Liliana", "Adriana", "Diana", "Jacobo", "Alberto", "Olivia", "Eduardo", "Alicia", "Enrique", "Clara", "Benjamin", "Irene", "Hector", "Veronica", "Mario", "Daniela", "Javier", "Rosa", "Santos", "Sonia", "Cristina", "Rodrigo", "Lucia"])) def printBadgeName(self): # nick_w = display.getTextWidth(nickname) # nick_h = display.getTextHeight(nickname) # # scaling = 1.15 * display_width // nick_w # # display.translate( display_width // 2 , display_height // 2 - 20) # display.rotate(0.15) # display.scale(scaling,scaling) # display.drawText( -nick_w // 2, -nick_h // 2, nickname) display.drawRect(0,0,320,66,True, 0x000000) display.drawPng(0, 0, "%s/%s" % (APP_PATH, "fondo_why.png")) textW=display.getTextWidth(nickname,"permanentmarker36") display.drawText(int(320/2-textW/2), 10, nickname, 0xffffff, "permanentmarker36") display.drawLine(0,67,320,67, 0x686868) def actualizaPantalla(self): # self.miCmd.cmdClr() display.drawFill(background_color) #----------------pintamos la parte izq # val_new = self.rotary.value() # self.mi_menu.menuPrint(val_new) #---------------- self.printBadgeName() #----------------pintamos la parte derecha if (self.debug == True): y = 15*5 x = 200 display.drawText(x, y, "age: "+ str(self.mi_mascota.age), foreground_color, info_font) y += ( 12) display.drawText(x, y, "hunger: "+ str(int(self.mi_mascota.hunger)), foreground_color, info_font) y += ( 12) display.drawText(x, y, "happiness:"+ str(int(self.mi_mascota.happiness)), foreground_color, info_font) y += ( 12) display.drawText(x, y, "health: "+ str(int(, foreground_color, info_font) y += ( 12) display.drawText(x, y, "status: "+ self.mi_mascota.status, foreground_color, info_font) y += ( 12) display.drawText(x, y, "evolucion:"+ str(int(self.mi_mascota.evolucion)), foreground_color, info_font) #----------------pintamos tamagotchi #pintamso tamagotchi if (self.mi_mascota.evolucion > 0) and (self.mi_mascota.status != 'dead'): self.mi_mascota.x = random.randint(10,90) self.mi_mascota.y = random.randint(103,124) display.drawPng(self.mi_mascota.x, self.mi_mascota.y, "%s/%s" % (APP_PATH, self.getImg(self.mi_mascota))) #pinto el nombre textW=display.getTextWidth(,info_font) display.drawText(int(self.mi_mascota.x+64/2-textW/2) , int(self.mi_mascota.y)+56,, foreground_color, info_font) #pinto frasecilla display.drawText(5, 72, self.mi_mascota.frase, foreground_color, info_font) #luego sus ancestros muertos for t in self.mascotas: display.drawPng(t.x, t.y, "%s/%s" % (APP_PATH, self.getImg(t))) #----------------pintamos menu display.drawRect(0,190,320,240,True, 0xc1c2a7) display.drawPng(0, 190, "%s/%s" % (APP_PATH, "burger.png")) display.drawPng(80, 190, "%s/%s" % (APP_PATH, "clean.png")) display.drawPng(160, 190, "%s/%s" % (APP_PATH, "heal.png")) display.drawPng(240, 190, "%s/%s" % (APP_PATH, "options.png")) #----------------screen update display.flush() def getImg(self, t): #desomponemos el gif en imageens con : num = '30' if t.status == 'dead': num = random.choice(['28','29','30']) #huevo elif t.evolucion == 0: num = random.choice(['00','01']) elif t.evolucion == 1: #bebe if t.status == 'happy': num = random.choice(['05','06','07','08','09']) elif t.status == 'sad': num = '03' elif t.status == 'ungry': num = '03' elif t.status == 'hungry': num = '02' elif t.status == 'sleep': num = '04' elif t.status == 'broken': num = '03' elif t.evolucion == 2: #niño if t.status == 'happy': num =random.choice(['13','14','15']) elif t.status == 'sad': num = '11' elif t.status == 'ungry': num = '11' elif t.status == 'hungry': num = '10' elif t.status == 'sleep': num = '12' elif t.status == 'broken': num = '11' elif t.evolucion == 3: #adulto if t.status == 'happy': num = random.choice(['19','20','21']) elif t.status == 'sad': num = '17' elif t.status == 'ungry': num = '17' elif t.status == 'hungry': num = '16' elif t.status == 'sleep': num = '18' elif t.status == 'broken': num = '17' elif t.evolucion == 4: #viejo if t.status == 'happy': num = random.choice(['25','26','27']) elif t.status == 'sad': num = '23' elif t.status == 'ungry': num = '23' elif t.status == 'hungry': num = '22' elif t.status == 'sleep': num = '24' elif t.status == 'broken': num = '23' #print ("img/frame_" + num + "_delay-1s.png") return "frame_" + num + "_delay-1s.png" def init_access_point(self, ssid): print('setting upu Wifi AP...') ap = network.WLAN(network.AP_IF) ap.config(essid=ssid, authmode=network.AUTH_OPEN, channel=1, hidden=False) while not pass print('Network config:', ap.ifconfig()) async def handle_http_connection(self, reader, writer, tamagotchi): gc.collect() # Get HTTP request line data = await reader.readline() try: request_line = data.decode() addr = writer.get_extra_info('peername') print('Received {} from {}'.format(request_line.strip(), addr)) except UnicodeError as e: print(f"Error decodificando datos: {e}") # Read headers, to make client happy (else curl prints an error) while True: gc.collect() line = await reader.readline() if line == b'\r\n': break # Handle the request if len(request_line) > 0: # Manejar solicitud HTTP request = str(request_line) if 'GET /feed' in request: tamagotchi.feed() elif 'GET /play' in request: elif 'GET /heal' in request: tamagotchi.heal() elif 'GET /clean' in request: tamagotchi.clean() #si pido pagina prinicpal la sirvo, y si no, redirijo. #esto hace que ante peticiones de tipo detect captive auth, la cosa funcione #if request_path in [b'/generate_204', b'/hotspot-detect.html', b'/ncsi.txt']: if 'GET / HTTP' in request: response = self.web_page(tamagotchi) else: response= 'HTTP/1.1 302 Found\r\nLocation: /\r\n\r\n' await writer.awrite(response) # Close the socket await writer.aclose() # print("client socket closed") async def run_dns_server(self): """ function to handle incoming dns requests """ udps = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) udps.setblocking(False) udps.bind(('', 53)) while True: try: # gc.collect() if IS_UASYNCIO_V3: yield asyncio.core._io_queue.queue_read(udps) else: yield asyncio.IORead(udps) data, addr = udps.recvfrom(4096) #print("Incoming DNS request...") DNS = DNSQuery(data) udps.sendto(DNS.response(SERVER_IP), addr) print("Replying: {:s} -> {:s}".format(DNS.domain, SERVER_IP)) except Exception as e: print("DNS server error:", e) await asyncio.sleep_ms(3000) udps.close() def web_page(self, tamagotchi): html = f""" <html> <head> <title>Hola soy {}</title> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <meta charset="utf8"> </head> <body> <h1>Tamagotchi</h1> <p>Name: {}</p> <p>Hunger: {tamagotchi.hunger}</p> <p>Happiness: {tamagotchi.happiness}</p> <p>Health: {}</p> <p>Age: {tamagotchi.age}</p> <p>State: {tamagotchi.carita}</p> <button onclick="location.href='/feed'">Feed</button> <button onclick="location.href='/play'">Play</button> <button onclick="location.href='/heal'">Heal</button> <button onclick="location.href='/clean'">Clean</button> </body> </html> """ return html #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class DNSQuery: def __init__(self, data): = data self.domain = '' tipo = (data[2] >> 3) & 15 # Opcode bits if tipo == 0: # Standard query ini = 12 lon = data[ini] while lon != 0: self.domain += data[ini + 1:ini + lon + 1].decode('utf-8') + '.' ini += lon + 1 lon = data[ini] #print("DNSQuery domain:" + self.domain) def response(self, ip): #print("DNSQuery response: {} ==> {}".format(self.domain, ip)) if self.domain: packet =[:2] + b'\x81\x80' packet +=[4:6] +[4:6] + b'\x00\x00\x00\x00' # Questions and Answers Counts packet +=[12:] # Original Domain Name Question packet += b'\xC0\x0C' # Pointer to domain name packet += b'\x00\x01\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x3C\x00\x04' # Response type, ttl and resource data length -> 4 bytes packet += bytes(map(int, ip.split('.'))) # 4bytes of IP # print(packet) return packet #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _handle_exception(loop, context): """ uasyncio v3 only: global exception handler """ print('Global exception handler') sys.print_exception(context["exception"]) sys.exit() # def newConnect(ssid): # ap = network.WLAN(network.AP_IF) # # ap.config(essid=ssid) # ap.config(authmode=0, channel=1) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ #------------------------------------------------------------------------ B1 = "burger" B2 = "clean" B3 = "heal" def on_up_btn(pressed): if pressed: print ("Press: UP") def on_down_btn(pressed): if pressed: print ("Press: DOWN") def on_left_btn(pressed): if pressed: print ("Press: LEFT") def on_right_btn(pressed): if pressed: print ("Press: RIGHT") def on_a_btn(pressed): if pressed: print ("Press: A") def on_b_btn(pressed): if pressed: print ("Press: B") def on_home_btn(pressed): if pressed: print ("Press: HOME") if B1 == "burger": #si estamos en Feed/Play/Heal myapp.mi_mascota.feed(0) if B1 == "true": #si estamos en Feed/Play/Heal"true/lie",1) if B1 == "drink": #si estamos en Feed/Play/Heal myapp.mi_mascota.feed(1) myapp.actualizaPantalla() def on_menu_btn(pressed): if pressed: print ("Press: MENU")"true/lie",1) myapp.actualizaPantalla() def on_select_btn(pressed): if pressed: print ("Press: SELECT") myapp.mi_mascota.heal() def on_start_btn(pressed): if pressed: print ("Press: START") if B1 == "burger": #si estamos en Feed/Play/Heal B1 = "drink" B2 = "play" B3 = "sleep" if B1 == "drink": #estamso en burguer/aaa/bbb B1 = "burger" B2 = "clean" B3 = "heal" buttons.attach(buttons.BTN_UP, on_up_btn) buttons.attach(buttons.BTN_DOWN, on_down_btn) buttons.attach(buttons.BTN_LEFT, on_left_btn) buttons.attach(buttons.BTN_RIGHT, on_right_btn) buttons.attach(buttons.BTN_A, on_a_btn) buttons.attach(buttons.BTN_B, on_b_btn) buttons.attach(buttons.BTN_HOME, on_home_btn) buttons.attach(buttons.BTN_MENU, on_menu_btn) buttons.attach(buttons.BTN_SELECT, on_select_btn) buttons.attach(buttons.BTN_START, on_start_btn) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ try: # Instantiate app and run myapp = MyApp() if IS_UASYNCIO_V3: else: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.run_until_complete(myapp.start()) except KeyboardInterrupt: print('Bye') finally: if IS_UASYNCIO_V3: asyncio.new_event_loop() # Clear retained state # def main(): # """ # The big show! # """ # global myapp # try: # # Instantiate app and run # myapp = MyApp() # # if IS_UASYNCIO_V3: # # else: # loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() # loop.run_until_complete(myapp.start()) # # except KeyboardInterrupt: # print('Bye') # # finally: # if IS_UASYNCIO_V3: # asyncio.new_event_loop() # Clear retained state # main()