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import machine import utime import ustruct import display import random import buttons import mch22 import time import math # imports from neopixel import NeoPixel from machine import Pin prev = 0 # Pin 19 controls the power supply to SD card and neopixels powerPin = Pin(19, Pin.OUT) # Pin 5 is the LED's data line dataPin = Pin(5, Pin.OUT) # create a neopixel object for 5 pixels np = NeoPixel(dataPin, 5) # turn on power to the LEDs powerPin.on() # Logo stuff logostart=20 letterwidth=50 spacing=10 letterheight=200 text = "MCH2022" font = "permanentmarker22" scale = 2 # A exit def reboot(pressed): if pressed: mch22.exit_python() buttons.attach(buttons.BTN_A,reboot) def drawRandomLine(): color = random.randint(0,0xFFFFFF) color1 = random.randint(0,0x3F) color2 = random.randint(0,0x3F) color3 = random.randint(0,0x3F) # Semi random colors (not too bright) np[0] = (color1,color2,color3) np[1] = (color1,color3,color2) np[2] = (color2,color1,color3) np[3] = (color2,color3,color1) np[4] = (color3,color1,color2) # send colors out to LEDs np.write() i2c = machine.I2C(0) sensor = 0x28 def i2c_write_u8(sensor, reg, val): return i2c.writeto_mem(sensor, reg, val.to_bytes(1, 'little')) def i2c_read_u8(sensor, reg): return int.from_bytes(i2c.readfrom_mem(sensor, reg, 1), 'little') def i2c_read_s16le(sensor, reg): return ustruct.unpack("<h", i2c.readfrom_mem(sensor, reg, 2))[0] def has_sensor(): return sensor is not None def init(): # Select page 0 i2c_write_u8(sensor, 0x07, 0) # Make sure we have the right device id_ = i2c_read_u8(sensor, 0x00) if (id_ != 0XA0): raise RuntimeError('Sensor not found') # Switch to config mode (just in case since this is the default) i2c_write_u8(sensor, 0X3D, 0X00) utime.sleep_ms(30) # Reset i2c_write_u8(sensor, 0X3F, 0x20) utime.sleep_ms(30) while True: try: if (i2c_read_u8(sensor, 0x00) == 0XA0): break except: utime.sleep_ms(10) utime.sleep_ms(50) # Set to normal power mode i2c_write_u8(sensor, 0X3E, 0X00) utime.sleep_ms(10) i2c_write_u8(sensor, 0X3F, 0x0) utime.sleep_ms(10) i2c_write_u8(sensor, 0X3D, 0X01) utime.sleep_ms(20) init() display.drawFill(0x000000) display.translate(display.width() / 2, display.height() / 2) # Go to the middle of the screen while True: # old stuff # i2c = machine.SoftI2C(sda=machine.Pin(22), scl=machine.Pin(21), freq=1000) # i2c.writeto_mem(0x28, 7, b"\x01") # i2c.writeto_mem(0x28, 0x3f, b"\x00") mystring = str(i2c.readfrom(0x28, 2, 0x08)) rotatedata = int(i2c_read_s16le(sensor, 0X0A)) drawRandomLine() display.drawFill(0x000000) # Black rotatedatanew=prev-rotatedata prev=rotatedata display.rotate(math.pi * rotatedatanew/2400 ) # This will rotate the screen textWidth = display.getTextWidth(text, font) textHeight = display.getTextHeight(text, font) display.pushMatrix() display.scale(scale, scale) display.translate(-textWidth / 2, -textHeight / 2) # Move the canvas so the text is centered color = random.randint(0,0xFFFFFF) display.drawText(0, 0, text, color, font) display.popMatrix() display.flush() # Flush, show everything time.sleep(0.1)