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import sys import time from hashlib import sha1 import gc import system import ubinascii import network import wifi import display import buttons import audio from umqtt.simple import MQTTClient import mch22 import nvs import machine import neopixel # catch everything and print error on display try: def connectToWifi(): display.drawFill(display.WHITE) display.drawText(30, 40, "Connecting to wifi...", 0x000001, "PermanentMarker22") display.flush() tries = 0 wifi.connect() while not wifi.status(): print(f'tries: {tries}') tries+=1 time.sleep(0.2) if wifi.wait(): time.sleep(0.2) print("Connected!") break else: display.drawFill(display.WHITE) display.drawText(30, 40, "No Wifi No Winks!", 0x000000, "PermanentMarker22") display.drawText(30, 100, f'Connecting { str(tries) } again...', 0x000000, "PermanentMarker22") display.flush() time.sleep(0.2) class LaserPongScoreboard: def drawscore(self): display.drawFill(display.BLACK) display.drawText(30, 100, self.p1score, display.WHITE, self.font, 5, 5) display.drawText(160+30, 100, self.p2score, display.WHITE, self.font, 5, 5) display.flush() def sub_cb(self,topic ,msg): print (f'received mqtt message topic: { topic }, payload: { msg }') if topic.endswith('/player1/score'): self.p1score = msg.decode("utf-8") self.drawscore() if topic.endswith('/player2/score'): self.p2score = msg.decode("utf-8") self.drawscore() if topic.endswith('/sound'): if msg.decode("utf-8") == "HIT":"%s/%s" % (APP_PATH, "hit.mp3"), volume=180) if msg.decode("utf-8") == "MISS":"%s/%s" % (APP_PATH, "miss.mp3"), volume=180) def __init__(self, font="roboto_regular12",server='',topics=['devlol/h19/mainroom/laserpong/player1/score','devlol/h19/mainroom/laserpong/player2/score','devlol/h19/mainroom/laserpong/sound']): self.font = font #self.clientname = 'SHA2017Badge' + str(ubinascii.hexlify(uos.urandom(5))) self.clientname = 'MCH2022Badge_pongscore' + ubinascii.hexlify(network.WLAN().config("mac")).decode("UTF-8") self.server = server self.topics = topics self.clients = 0 self.version = 44 self.p1score = "0" self.p2score = "0" print('starting') #badge.init() #badge.leds_enable() #workaround for emulator try: self.owner = nvs.nvs_getstr('owner','nickname') except: self.owner ="anonycat" print("connecting to wifi 1 ...") #so we can exit anytime while connecting #buttons.attach(buttons.BTN_HOME, self.btn_home) connectToWifi() print (f'connecting to mqtt server:{self.server} clientname:{self.clientname}') self.c = MQTTClient(self.clientname,self.server) #,keepalive=60) # bug in umqtt, won't work self.c.set_callback(self.sub_cb) self.c.connect() for topic in topics: self.c.subscribe(topic) #ugfx.clear(ugfx.BLACK) #ugfx.flush #ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE) #ugfx.flush while True: self.c.wait_msg() # if (time.time() > last_status_update + status_update_interval): # last_status_update = time.time() # self.c.publish(self.statustopic, str(self.version), retain=True) APP_PATH = "/".join(__file__.split("/")[:-1]) # Add Application path to sys path to import modules as if they were root modules sys.path.append(APP_PATH) scoreboard = LaserPongScoreboard() except Exception as e: print("ERROR : "+ str(e)) display.drawText(0, 0, str(e), 0x000000, "roboto_regular12") #display.drawText(0, 20, str(sys.exec_info()[2]), 0x000000, "roboto_regular12") display.flush() # still waiting anyway while True: time.sleep(1)