Toggle Navigation
import math import os import mch22 import display import buttons import json def draw_banner(h, text, background_colour=0x000000, text_colour=0xffffff): display.drawRect(0, h, display.width(), 20, True, background_colour) display.drawText(10, h + 2, text, text_colour) display.flush() class MenuItem: def __init__(self, title, on_selected, on_left=None, on_right=None): self.on_right = on_right self.on_left = on_left self.on_selected = on_selected self.title = title class Menu: selected = 0 dirty = True previous_offset = 0 def __init__(self, title, menuitems, fallback): """ :type title: string """ self.fallback = fallback self.menuitems = menuitems self.title = title def update(self, very_dirty = False): self.dirty = self.dirty or very_dirty if self.dirty: display.drawFill(0xcccccc) draw_banner(0, self.title, 0xffffff, 0x000000) offset = (self.selected // 10) * 10 if self.previous_offset != offset: self.dirty = True l = len(self.menuitems) if self.dirty: for i in range(offset, min(offset + 11, l)): item = self.menuitems[i] title = item.title if callable(title): title = title() j = i - offset draw_banner(20 + j * 20, title) display.drawRect(0, 20, 10, min(display.height(), len(self.menuitems) * 20) - 20, True, 0x000000) display.drawRect(2, 27 + (self.selected - offset) * 20, 6, 6, True, 0xffffff) if l > 10: rh = 25 display.drawRect(display.width() - 10, 20, 6, display.height(), True, 0x000000) display.drawRect(display.width() - 10, 20 + self.selected * (display.height() - rh - 20) / l, 6, rh, False, 0xffffff) display.flush() self.dirty = False def move(self, direction): if direction == "a": self.menuitems[self.selected].on_selected() return if direction == "b": self.fallback() return if direction == "up": self.selected = self.selected - 1 if self.selected < 0: self.selected = len(self.menuitems) - 1 if direction == "down": self.selected = (self.selected + 1) % len(self.menuitems) item: MenuItem = self.menuitems[self.selected] if direction == "left": if item.on_left is not None: item.on_left() elif len(self.menuitems) > 10: self.selected = self.selected - 10 if self.selected < 0: self.selected = 0 if direction == "right": if item.on_right is not None: item.on_right() elif len(self.menuitems) > 10: self.selected = self.selected + 10 if self.selected > len(self.menuitems): self.selected = len(self.menuitems) self.update() class Style: line = 0xaa0000 def __init__(self, linecolor=0xaa0000, minzoom=0): self.minzoom = minzoom self.line = linecolor class LabelStyle: def __init__(self, background_colour=0x000000, text_colour=0xffffff, minzoom=16, maxzoom=25): self.maxzoom = maxzoom self.minzoom = minzoom self.text_colour = text_colour self.background_colour = background_colour class Label: lat = 0 lon = 0 label = "" def __init__(self, lon, lat, label, category=None): self.category = category self.label = label.replace("\n", " ") = lat self.lon = lon class Location: # Lat/lon of the _upper left_corner. Keep in mind that 'lat' is reversed lat = 52.2839 lon = 5.5254 z = 15 currently_selected = None callbacks = [] def update(self, very_dirty = False): self.currently_selected = None self.call_callbacks() def call_callbacks(self): for f in self.callbacks: # try: f(self) # except Exception as e: # print("Could not execute a callback of location", str(e)) def zoom_in(self): if (self.z >= 20): return self.z = self.z + 1 factor = math.exp(self.z - 3) self.lon = self.lon + (display.width() / factor) = - (display.height() / factor) self.call_callbacks() print("Zoom in: new location: " + str( + "," + str(self.lon)) def zoom_out(self): if (self.z <= 12): return factor = math.exp(self.z - 3) self.lon = self.lon - (display.width() / factor) = + (display.height() / factor) self.z = self.z - 1 self.call_callbacks() def move(self, dir, trigger_callback=True): if dir == "a": self.zoom_in() return if dir == "b": self.zoom_out() return amount = 1 / math.exp(self.z - 7) if dir == "up": += amount if dir == "down": -= amount if dir == "left": self.lon -= amount if dir == "right": self.lon += amount print("New location: " + str(self.lon) + ", " + str( + ", shifted by " + str(amount)) if trigger_callback: self.call_callbacks() def lonlat_to_xy(self, lon, lat): factor = math.exp(self.z - 3) x = (lon - self.lon) * factor y = 0 - (lat - * factor return x, y class MapDrawer: displayHeight = display.width() displayWidth = display.height() def __init__(self, location, features, labels, style, label_style=None): self.labelStyle = label_style self.labels = labels if label_style is not None: assert isinstance(label_style, LabelStyle) if style is not None: assert isinstance(style, Style) assert isinstance(location, Location) self.location = location location.callbacks.append(lambda _: self.drawAll()) = style self.features = features def drawCoordinates(self, coordinates, style): factor = math.exp(self.location.z - 3) projected = [] has_point_in_range = False for c in coordinates: lon = (c[0] - self.location.lon) * factor lat = 0 - (c[1] - * factor projected.append([lon, lat]) if 0 < lon < self.displayWidth and 0 < lat < self.displayHeight: has_point_in_range = True if not has_point_in_range: # No use drawing this, nothing in range return for i in range(0, len(projected) - 1): c0 = projected[i] c1 = projected[i + 1] display.drawLine(int(c0[0]), int(c0[1]), int(c1[0]), int(c1[1]), style.line) def drawLabel(self, label): (x, y) = self.location.lonlat_to_xy(label.lon, if not (0 < x < self.displayWidth and 0 < y < self.displayHeight): return lower_case_count = sum(map(str.islower, label.label)) estimated_size = lower_case_count * 7 + (len(label.label) - lower_case_count) * 9 rx = int(x - 2 - estimated_size / 2) ry = int(y) - 8 rw = 4 + estimated_size rh = 16 if rx <= display.width() / 2 < rx + rw and (ry - rh) <= display.height() / 2 < ry + 2 * rh: self.location.currently_selected = label display.drawRect(rx - 1, ry - 1, rw + 2, rh + 2, True, self.labelStyle.text_colour) display.drawRect(rx, ry, rw, rh, True, self.labelStyle.background_colour) display.drawText(int(x - estimated_size / 2), int(y) - 8, label.label, self.labelStyle.text_colour) def drawAll(self): print("Redrawing map") if <= self.location.z: for f in self.features: self.drawCoordinates(f, if self.labelStyle is not None and self.labelStyle.minzoom <= self.location.z <= self.labelStyle.maxzoom: for l in self.labels: self.drawLabel(l) display.flush() class Navigatable: current_navigator = None def move(self, pressed, movement): if not pressed: return if self.current_navigator is None: return self.current_navigator.move(movement) def attachButtons(self): buttons.attach(buttons.BTN_A, lambda pressed: self.move(pressed, "a")) buttons.attach(buttons.BTN_B, lambda pressed: self.move(pressed, "b")) buttons.attach(buttons.BTN_UP, lambda pressed: self.move(pressed, "up")) buttons.attach(buttons.BTN_DOWN, lambda pressed: self.move(pressed, "down")) buttons.attach(buttons.BTN_LEFT, lambda pressed: self.move(pressed, "left")) buttons.attach(buttons.BTN_RIGHT, lambda pressed: self.move(pressed, "right")) def set_navigator(self, n): self.current_navigator = n n.update(True) def searchPath(spec): if (spec in os.listdir(".")): return "./" + spec try: os.listdir("/sd/apps/python/badgemap") return "/sd/apps/python/badgemap/" + spec except: return "/apps/python/badgemap/" + spec def load_fields(location: object, field_label_style) -> list[Label]: draw_banner(10, "Loading field names... Please be patient") try: with open(searchPath("fields.json"), "r") as geojson_file: field_labels = [] field_names = json.load(geojson_file) for f in field_names["features"]: if f["geometry"]["type"] != "Point": continue c = f["geometry"]["coordinates"] txt = f["properties"]["text"].replace("\n", " ") if txt.endswith(" field"): txt = txt[0: len(txt) - len(" field")] l = Label(c[0], c[1], txt) l.minzoom = 10 l.maxzoom = 14 field_labels.append(l) MapDrawer(location, [], field_labels, Style(), field_label_style) return field_labels except Exception as e: draw_banner(25, "Loading field names failed") print("Loading fields failed due to " + str(e)) return [] def load_buildings(location: Location, building_style: Style, label_style_stage, label_style_building) -> list[Label]: building_labels = [] building_labels_important = [] draw_banner(10, "Loading buildings... Please be patient") try: with open(searchPath("buildings.json"), "r") as buildings_file: buildings = json.load(buildings_file) draw_banner(10, "Buildings loaded") display.flush() building_coordinates = [] for b in buildings["features"]: if b["geometry"]["type"] == "Point": c = b["geometry"]["coordinates"] txt = b["properties"]["text"] if txt is None: continue txt = txt.replace("\n", " ") label = Label(c[0], c[1], txt) if b["properties"]["text_size"] == 3.0: building_labels.append(label) if b["properties"]["text_size"] == 4.0: building_labels_important.append(label) if label.label == "heaven" or label.label == "info": building_labels_important.append(label) if b["geometry"]["type"] == "LineString": building_coordinates.append(b["geometry"]["coordinates"]) if b["geometry"]["type"] == "Polygon": building_coordinates.append(b["geometry"]["coordinates"][0]) except: draw_banner(10, "Loading buildings failed! Continuing with testdata") print("Loading buildings failed") building_coordinates = [[ [ 5.5254927277565, 52.28380557517109 ], [ 5.525519549846649, 52.284022165932726 ], [ 5.525224506855011, 52.28403201094217 ], [ 5.525195002555847, 52.28382034275664 ], [ 5.5254927277565, 52.28380557517109 ] ]] building_labels = [ Label(5.5254, 52.2839, "heaven") ] MapDrawer(location, building_coordinates, building_labels, building_style, label_style_building) MapDrawer(location, [], building_labels_important, building_style, label_style_stage) all_labels = [] all_labels.extend(building_labels) all_labels.extend(building_labels_important) return all_labels def load_geojson(filename: str, location: Location, determine_color, determine_label=None) -> list[Label]: display.drawRect(0, 45, display.width(), 20, True, 0x000000) draw_banner(10, "Loading " + filename + "... Please be patient") per_color = {} per_label_type = {} total = 0 try: with open(searchPath(filename), "r") as buildings_file: buildings = json.load(buildings_file) draw_banner(10, filename + " loaded") for b in buildings["features"]: total += 1 color = determine_color(b["properties"]) if color not in per_color: per_color[color] = [] if b["geometry"]["type"] == "Point": if determine_label is None: continue props = b["properties"] labelstyle = determine_label(props) if labelstyle is None: return if labelstyle not in per_label_type: per_label_type[labelstyle] = [] c = b["geometry"]["coordinates"] txt = None if "text" in props: txt = props["text"] if "name" in props: txt = props["name"] if txt is None: continue txt = txt.replace("\n", " ").strip() if txt == "": continue per_label_type[labelstyle].append(Label(c[0], c[1], txt)) if b["geometry"]["type"] == "LineString": per_color[color].append(b["geometry"]["coordinates"]) if b["geometry"]["type"] == "Polygon": per_color[color].append(b["geometry"]["coordinates"][0]) if b["geometry"]["type"] == "MultiPolygon": per_color[color].append(b["geometry"]["coordinates"][0][0]) except Exception as e: draw_banner(10, "Loading " + filename + " failed!") display.flush() print("Loading " + filename + " failed due to " + str(e)) print(e) per_color[0xff0000] = [[ [ 5.525232553482056, 52.284081235956684 ], [ 5.5251118540763855, 52.283716969554376 ], [ 5.52487850189209, 52.28385808211962 ], [ 5.525058209896088, 52.28409272178551 ] ]] for color in per_color.keys(): MapDrawer(location, per_color[color], [], color) all_labels: list[Label] = [] for labelstyle in per_label_type.keys(): all_labels.extend(per_label_type[labelstyle]) MapDrawer(location, [], per_label_type[labelstyle], Style(), labelstyle) draw_banner(10, filename + " loaded: " + str(total) + " features loaded") return all_labels def print_copyright(): display.drawFill(0x00000000) draw_banner(100, "Made by Pietervdvn") draw_banner(120, "Roads and water: (c)") draw_banner(160, "Interested in maps?") draw_banner(180, "Come to 'OpenStreetMap for Beginners' on monday") draw_banner(200, "11:00, Envelope (NL) -- 21:00, DNA (EN)") display.flush() class Main: location = Location() navigator = Navigatable() version = "0.2.0 (MCH)" background_color = 0x406000 show_overlays = True brightness = 255 water_style = Style(0x0000ff) grass_path_style = Style(0x00ff00) road_style = Style(0xffffff) building_style = Style(0xff0000) village_style = Style(0xffff00, 16) village_label_style = LabelStyle(0x000000, 0xaaaa00, 15) field_label_style = LabelStyle(0x88bb00, 0x000000, 10, 14) all_labels: list[Label] = [] selected_label: Label = None def __init__(self): self.navigator.attachButtons() self.main_menu = Menu("MapBadge options", [ MenuItem("Browse location index...", lambda: self.search_index(), None, lambda: self.search_index()), MenuItem("Copyright", lambda: print_copyright()), MenuItem(lambda: "Toggle button labels (currently " + ("shown" if self.show_overlays else "hidden") + ")", lambda: self.toggle_overlays(), lambda: self.toggle_overlays(), lambda: self.toggle_overlays()), MenuItem(lambda: "Toggle background color (currently: " + ( "black" if self.background_color == 0 else "green") + ")", lambda: self.toggle_background(), lambda: self.toggle_background(), lambda: self.toggle_background()), MenuItem(lambda: "Change brigtness (currently " + str(self.brightness) + ")", lambda: self.change_brightness_selected(), lambda: self.change_brightness(-15), lambda: self.change_brightness(15)), MenuItem("Exit menu", lambda: self.toggle_menu(True)) ], lambda: self.toggle_menu(True)) buttons.attach(buttons.BTN_SELECT, lambda p: self.select_item(p)) pass def select_item(self, pressed): if (not pressed): return if self.selected_label is None: self.selected_label = self.location.currently_selected else: self.selected_label = None self.location.update() def toggle_background(self): if self.background_color == 0x000000: self.background_color = 0x406000 else: self.background_color = 0x000000 self.navigator.current_navigator.update(True) def toggle_overlays(self): self.show_overlays = not self.show_overlays self.navigator.current_navigator.update(True) def change_brightness_selected(self): draw_banner(100, "Use left and right to change the brightness", 0xff0000, 0x000000) def change_brightness(self, diff): if self.brightness < 15 or (self.brightness == 15 and diff < 0): diff = (diff // abs(diff)) self.brightness += diff if self.brightness <= 0 or self.brightness > 255: self.brightness -= diff return display.brightness(self.brightness) self.navigator.current_navigator.update(True) def toggle_menu(self, pressed): if not pressed: return if self.navigator.current_navigator == self.location: self.navigator.set_navigator(self.main_menu) else: self.navigator.set_navigator(self.location) def map_overlay(self): display.width() / 2 display.drawLine(display.width() // 2 - 5, display.height() // 2, display.width() // 2 + 5, display.height() // 2, 0xffffff) display.drawLine(display.width() // 2, display.height() // 2 - 5, display.width() // 2, display.height() // 2 + 5, 0xfffff) if self.selected_label is not None: x, y = self.location.lonlat_to_xy(self.selected_label.lon, display.drawLine(x, y, display.width() // 2, display.height() // 2, 0xfffff) if self.show_overlays: # Elements shown above the map display.drawRect(27, display.height() - 20, 30, 20, True, 0x000000) display.drawText(32, display.height() - 20, "exit") display.drawRect(106, display.height() - 20, 40, 20, True, 0x000000) display.drawText(111, display.height() - 20, "menu") display.drawRect(205, display.height() - 20, 40, 20, True, 0x000000) display.drawText(210, display.height() - 20, "slct") display.drawRect(display.width() - 20, display.height() - 20, 30, 20, True, 0x000000) display.drawText(display.width() - 15, display.height() - 20, str(self.location.z)) display.flush() def select_road_color(self, properties): if "surface" in properties and properties["surface"] == "grass": return self.grass_path_style return self.road_style def select(self, l): self.selected_label = l self.navigator.set_navigator(self.location) def init_search_index(self): def open_menu(): self.navigator.set_navigator(self.main_menu) filtered_labels = [] for i in range(len(self.all_labels)): l = self.all_labels[ i] # This seems to be a very roundabout way to get the labels, as we might just use a for loop too # However, not using this will pass 'l' as closure, always selecting the last value if l.label.strip() == "": continue filtered_labels.append(l) menu_items: list[MenuItem] = list(map(lambda l: MenuItem(l.label, lambda:, filtered_labels)) self.search_menu = Menu("Locations index (< and > to skip 20)", menu_items, lambda: open_menu()) def search_index(self): self.navigator.set_navigator(self.search_menu) def main(self): version = self.version print("Starting BadgeMap " + self.version) buttons.attach(buttons.BTN_HOME, lambda _: mch22.exit_python()) print_copyright() draw_banner(80, "Starting badgemap! This is " + version) location = self.location buttons.attach(buttons.BTN_MENU, lambda pressed: self.toggle_menu(pressed)) self.navigator.current_navigator = location location.callbacks.append(lambda _: display.drawFill(self.background_color)) all_labels: list[Label] = [] all_labels.extend(load_geojson("water.json", location, lambda _: self.water_style)) all_labels.extend(load_geojson("roads.json", location, lambda props: self.select_road_color(props))) all_labels.extend( load_geojson("villages.json", location, lambda _: self.village_style, lambda _: self.village_label_style)) building_label_style = LabelStyle() building_label_style.minzoom = 14 building_label_style_important = LabelStyle() building_label_style_important.minzoom = 13 all_labels.extend( load_buildings(location, self.building_style, building_label_style, building_label_style_important)) all_labels.extend(load_fields(location, self.field_label_style)) location.callbacks.append(lambda _: self.map_overlay()) location.call_callbacks() all_labels.sort(key=lambda l: l.label.lower()) if len(all_labels) < 3: all_labels.append(Label(0, 0, "Testlabel")) all_labels.append(Label(0, 0, "Testlabel 0")) self.all_labels = all_labels self.init_search_index() main = Main() main.main()