Toggle Navigation
import display import time import wifi import system import buttons import gc import network import ubinascii from umqtt.simple import MQTTClient import mch22 import nvs def connectToWifi(): if not wifi.status(): wifi.connect() display.drawFill(display.WHITE) display.drawText(10, 10, "Connecting to WiFi...", 0x000000, "Roboto_Regular18") display.flush() if not wifi.wait(): system.home() class Pong: def draw_pong(self): display.drawText(10, 180, " - up <--> down to play", 0x000000, "Roboto_Regular18") display.flush() def btn_up(self, pressed): if pressed: self.c.publish(("%s" % self.topic), "UP") display.drawText(10, 80, "UP", 0x000000, self.font) display.flush() else: self.c.publish(("%s" % self.topic), "STOP") display.drawText(10, 80, "UP RELEASED", 0x000000, self.font) display.flush() def btn_down(self, pressed): if pressed: self.c.publish(("%s" % self.topic), "DOWN") display.drawText(80, 120, "DOWN", 0x000000, self.font) display.flush() else: self.c.publish(("%s" % self.topic), "STOP") display.drawText(80, 120, "DOWN RELEASED", 0x000000, self.font) display.flush() def btn_a(self, pressed): if pressed: if self.player == 1: self.player = 2 else: self.player = 1 self.topic = self.topics[self.player - 1] def btn_home(self,pressed): if pressed: mch22.exit_python() def __init__(self, font="roboto_regular22",server='',topics=['devlol/h19/mainroom/laserpong/player1/action','devlol/h19/mainroom/laserpong/player2/action']): self.font = font self.clientname = 'MCH2022pong' + ubinascii.hexlify(network.WLAN().config("mac")).decode("UTF-8") self.server = server self.topics = topics self.player = 1 self.topic = topics[0] print('starting') #workaround for emulator try: self.owner = nvs.nvs_getstr('owner','nickname') except: self.owner ="anonypong" self.statustopic = ("%s/%s/%s" %(self.topic, 'clientstatus', self.owner)) print("connecting to wifi...") connectToWifi() print ("connecting to mqtt server:%s clientname:%s" %(self.server,self.clientname)) self.c = MQTTClient(self.clientname,self.server) #,keepalive=60) # bug in umqtt, won't work self.c.set_last_will(self.statustopic, 'OFFLINE',retain=True) self.c.connect() buttons.attach(buttons.BTN_HOME, self.btn_home) buttons.attach(buttons.BTN_DOWN, self.btn_down) buttons.attach(buttons.BTN_UP, self.btn_up) self.draw_pong() while True: time.sleep(0.5) display.drawFill(0xFFFFFF) pong = Pong()